magic_bee: playin around
magic_bee: Blue Lagoon
magic_bee: Blue Lagoon
magic_bee: graffiti
magic_bee: puffin
magic_bee: puffin
magic_bee: puffins
magic_bee: david byrne poster
magic_bee: gullfoss
magic_bee: gullfoss
magic_bee: Gullfoss
magic_bee: Strokkur geyser at full height
magic_bee: Strokkur geyser just getting started
magic_bee: Þingvallakirkja
magic_bee: Þingvellir plains
magic_bee: turf roof
magic_bee: town of siglufjordur
magic_bee: house mural in siglufjordur
magic_bee: Dettifoss
magic_bee: Jökulsá á Fjöllum river canyon
magic_bee: fairytale pond at Ásbyrgi
magic_bee: Leirbotn geothermal plant
magic_bee: Leirhnjúkur geothermal field
magic_bee: in Leirhnjúkur geothermal field
magic_bee: view of Krafla from Leirhnjúkur
magic_bee: Hverir geothermal field
magic_bee: boiling mudpot at Hverir
magic_bee: mudpots at Hverir
magic_bee: mudpots at Hverir
magic_bee: Hverir geothermal field