benwilledge: 100x/94 - Wintree!
Flávio Motta: _DSC0866-1
Monica Bara: Igreja
Monica Bara: Fazendo self
Valter Patrial: Contemplate
Lorraine1234: "What we must always foresee is the unforeseen.” III
Márcia Valle: Infância em Sarandira
Márcia Valle: Por-do-sol nas montanhas
Márcia Valle: Azulzinha
Watermarq Design: High Keys
Lorraine1234: high-key 1
dianeobrien254: Belladonna Lily
dianeobrien254: Thanks to the spider.
Steve Fitch: Look up!
Κostas GR: Enjoying the sea
Κostas GR: Reflections
Romanelli Fotografia: Show Luiz Gamonall - 2015
EltonMoreira: Chegada do Papai Noel no Independência Shopping
Luís Eduardo Alves Sampaio: 2015.nov.19.Balé-103
valdirootavares: Parati-RJ (38)
SONIA PARROT ATHAYDE: Mulher2015-12-271dezSONIAMulher
dianeobrien254: Looking in the window.
Lorraine1234: Glow in the dark
dianeobrien254: HAPPY NEW YEAR
dianeobrien254: HAPPY NEW YEAR
Lorraine1234: No water, no life. No blue, no green.
Lorraine1234: bubble, bubble, flows the stream, like an old tune through a dream.