LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Another to try again showing stained glass over quilt
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Stained glass windows on north side of santuary
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Stained glass windows on north side of santuary
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Foley UMC Stained Glass Windows on north side of Sanctuary
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Sanctuary of Foley UMC
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Foley United Methodist Prayer Shawl Ministry
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Stained glass window above cross finally showed up some but...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Covered in Prayer ~ and I might add Covered in Love
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Wonderful explanation of the Prayer Shawl Ministry and the Comfort it brought
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: This Parament seemed to particularly go with Rev. Carl Dickerson's sermon...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Flowers for Mortimers Anniversary
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Parament @ Foley UMC on Sunday, July 8, 2012
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 4 IMG_7035 Galilean Worship
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 5 IMG_7036 Galilean Worship
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 6 IMG_7037 Galilean Worship
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 2 Galilean Worship 2
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 1 Galilean Worship 1
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 3 Galilean Worship 3
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: 2012-07-22 Galilean Worship Service
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: A symbolic cross stands atop a majestic sand dune...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Wreath @ Foley UMC on Oct 7 of 2012