LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: WDS on Weeks Bay Boardwalk 6-2008
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Blue Angels by Devils Tower [picture of a picture]
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Drumstick reserved for a particular person
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: The winner of the drumstick
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Table set plus the people...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Part of buffet
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Still makes my mouth water
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Buffet continues
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Table all set and ready
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Just about ready
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: WDS reading "Rogue Lawyer"
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Cute pic to start the Album
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: One of several windshield photos...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Comfort Suite in Grenada, MS
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Comfort Suite in Grenada, MS
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Comfort Suite in Grenada, MS
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Comfort Suite in Grenada, MS
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Comfort Suite in Grenada, MS
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Charging Battery for Sony Camera
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Wendell stopping to rest in Crystal Bridges art museum
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Windshield photo...