LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: As we were leaving on Tuesday, May 24...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: One goes out of the way to visit Russell Cave
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Russell Cave National Monument Site 44 of North Alabama Birding Trail...
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Using a tool like the Native Americans used to drill holes
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Russell Cave Opening
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: This plant's flowers were green
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Native Americans - entire display is in a video
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Woodland Period - First Potters and Farmers - 2500 to 1000 years ago
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Native Americans - entire display at cave entrance in video
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Mississippi Period - Mound Builders -1000 to 450 years ago
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: ancient dog - a video at cave entrance includes entire display
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Hunters and Gatherers - Archaic Period 19,500 to 2,500 years ago
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: First Cave Dwellers
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Native American - a video of this area pulls it together
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: A Step Back in Time ~ 90-second video just inside Russell Cave
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Russell Cave from entrance looking out
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Smithsonian Excavations – recent history · 1956-1958
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: This unidentified plant's blossoms are actually light green
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: On the boardwalk at Russell Cave
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Russell Cave entrance from boardwalk
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Russell Cave entrance in the morning light
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: On the boardwalk at Russell Cave
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Water flowing out of Russell Cave looks like it is flowing uphill into cave
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: First photo taken at U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama