LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Water closed to public prior to landfall of Ida
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Two flags warns to not go in the water
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Waves from Ida in Gulf Shores prior to landfall
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Gulls in the sky before Ida made landfall
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Seagulls and highrises in the eastward sky
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Looks eastward toward Hangout etc.
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: The seagulls were very active because of the change in weather
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Cool weather called for the sweater
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Another still photo of waves rolling in
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Still photo of waves rolling in
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: WDS still looking at the white capped waves rolling in
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: WDS looking at the waves