LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Geocaching at Weeks Bay
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Hangin' out on the porch swing
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: All loaded for the move
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Even moving a box of old stamps
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Airstream drag racing log truck
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Q-Fest breakfast
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Beer Tent photo op
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Larger-than-life ear of corn
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: On the boardwalk at Weeks Bay
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Planter and Smitty
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Our New Profile Photo
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Still difficult to imagine the size
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Rainy and windy
LIVING... MAEDEANS STYLE: Guilded Morning Sky