Beauty Hunter...: Laguna Beach
camillesau: Kindly get out of my way.
.natasha.: Corniglia
camillesau: Please Mr. Postman.
shetha: archcape-manzanita1
Dragan*: Curls
Stu Bo: 1939_American_Bantam_Model-62_D
Singing With Light: the wall has seen better days
camillesau: Southern Season Selfie. #hugestore #walkyourselftoeath
theBABSY: Afternoon Reflections
Leaca's Philosophy: Our fun day
Leaca's Philosophy: My California cousin
Leaca's Philosophy: My heart, he has it. He's had it for more than 23 years now. What's the secret? What's important to him is important to me and visa versa. Always communicate with love. There is no room for judgement, anger, or selfishness. Three words to sum it up.
Leaca's Philosophy: go summit go!
Leaca's Philosophy: The Jack River
pink chalk studio: Buebird Park by Kate & Birdie Paper Co.
pink chalk studio: Buebird Park by Kate & Birdie Paper Co.
rlonas: IMG_8089
pink chalk studio: Buebird Park by Kate & Birdie Paper Co.
green.pit: Grande Anse
Stefan Klauke: Sunset over Schloss Nymphenburg
Cole Chase Photography: Kenai Fjords National Park - Alaska