mad_dog: Happy hour + dinner ^_^ #gogyo
mad_dog: got #yellowribbon at mtr entrance #democracy #yellow #ribbon
mad_dog: 搵唔到絲帶,自己做 #yellowribbon #paper #democracy #occupycentral #yellow
mad_dog: too bad I can't stay behind for long for the post-screening talk with the director... Rushing to te next screening! And will miss the special souvenir >_< #hkiff2014 #agnesb #mynameishmm
mad_dog: Director Agnes b speaks before screening of her feature film
mad_dog: an interesting class ^_^
mad_dog: #pacamara COE
mad_dog: we all got it wrong! COE cup of excellence #cuppingclass #pacamara
mad_dog: Instructor doing the "break" #cuppingclass
mad_dog: Which one is cup of excellence #cuppingclass
mad_dog: introduction to cupping
mad_dog: Tuesday night
mad_dog: #bellavita
mad_dog: hairy crab croissant!!!! ^_^
mad_dog: real french toast #lacabane #secondroundonhollywoodroad
mad_dog: Pineau d'Aunis - le rouge de la cabane #secondroundonhollywoodroad
mad_dog: not hungry yet haha
mad_dog: ciao #rubberduck #florentijnhofman
mad_dog: bye now
mad_dog: #nofilter byebye
mad_dog: #nofilter
mad_dog: crepe sucre and latte :)
mad_dog: #florentijnhofman #rubberduck
mad_dog: #florentijnhofman #rubberduck
mad_dog: #florentijnhofman #rubberduck
mad_dog: mac mac rice #mcdonald
mad_dog: mac mac rice #mcdonald
mad_dog: mac mac rice #mcdonald
mad_dog: mac mac rice #mcdonald
mad_dog: rice fun bowl and rice fun wrap #mcdonald