Red (the Captain):
80s Prom Nite (Novato Faire 2005)
Red (the Captain):
Boys of Squish
Red (the Captain):
Trouble A-Brewin'
Red (the Captain):
Red (the Captain):
Red (the Captain):
The Captain and her Crew
Red (the Captain):
Shameless Northern 2006
Red (the Captain):
Captain Red 3rd Weekend 2006
Red (the Captain):
The Captain & Shameless
Red (the Captain):
Black and Pearls
Red (the Captain):
The Captain at the Cart
Red (the Captain):
Fate and Leather Earlier
Red (the Captain):
Puzzle Ringers Gone Wild
Red (the Captain):
Fate and Leather Version 2
Red (the Captain):
the Captain...ish
Red (the Captain):
Closer Look 1
Red (the Captain):
Bodice Groping Champion 2006
Red (the Captain):
Shameless Closer
Red (the Captain):
Shameless Doyle...ish?
Red (the Captain):
Jaime n Aims (aka the Captain and Shameless Switch)
Red (the Captain):
"All You Can Eat, Under a Buck"
Red (the Captain):
Puzzle Ringer
Red (the Captain):
Shameless & Papa Horsing Around
Red (the Captain):
Shameless & Papa Closer
Red (the Captain):
FoF RingOut
Red (the Captain):
Shameless Ringout
Red (the Captain):
Dickens Lingerie
Red (the Captain):
Red (the Captain):
Final Ringout 2
Red (the Captain):
Final Ringout 1