Red (the Captain): Beer, and Titties!
Red (the Captain): The Crew Lite, NCRF 2008
Red (the Captain): Ooh, you have WHAT in your tankard?!
Red (the Captain): 80s Prom Nite (Novato Faire 2005)
Red (the Captain): "The Maid at Work" Tableaux
Red (the Captain): Second Weekend
Red (the Captain): NFP Opening Weekend
Red (the Captain): Naughty French Postcards (Opening Show)
Red (the Captain): The Commodore and Cap'n Red
Red (the Captain): Call of the Soul
Red (the Captain): Faire Sunset
Red (the Captain): Angelic Demon
Red (the Captain): Seamus and Mike Kilting
Red (the Captain): Kilting of Michael James (2)
Red (the Captain): Kilting of Michael James (1)
Red (the Captain): "He's not REALLY wearing....ohmigod..."
Red (the Captain): Greg Loincloth
Red (the Captain): the Faerie and the Captain
Red (the Captain): Double-Blading
Red (the Captain): Captain and Michael
Red (the Captain): the Captain and Greggo
Red (the Captain): Woman In Black, Part Deux
Red (the Captain): Woman In Black
Red (the Captain): V-Day Karaoke--February 2007
Red (the Captain): self-portrait
Red (the Captain): Sakura--Halloween 1999
Red (the Captain): Kneeling On the Van
Red (the Captain): In de Ghetto
Red (the Captain): Iconic Pose