Red (the Captain): Star Wars: Episode III
Red (the Captain): Van Helsing
Red (the Captain): Northern Faire 2005
Red (the Captain): Brothers' Grimm Ball
Red (the Captain): X-Men 3 (left)
Red (the Captain): X-Men 3 (right)
Red (the Captain): The Captain and her Crew
Red (the Captain): Accoutrements
Red (the Captain): Captain Red 3rd Weekend 2006
Red (the Captain): Jaime n Aims (aka the Captain and Shameless Switch)
Red (the Captain): Brett Maverick and Double Trouble
Red (the Captain): Halloween Party 2006
Red (the Captain): Woman In Black, Part Deux
Red (the Captain): Woman In Black
Red (the Captain): Sakura--Halloween 1999
Red (the Captain): Grim Reaper?
Red (the Captain): Ghost Rider--Opening Night, February 2007
Red (the Captain): FFVIII Cast
Red (the Captain): Darth Maul (May 1999, Opening Night)