Tennessee_jb: bill the pygmy goat - nikon d7100
Daniela Solomon: IMG_2366-1
Sharon Whelchel: shopping cart!
crystal.franks: umbrella kiss
Stefan Elf: Local Downpour
Ryan Brenizer: Feeling Blue
bonedad: The Dead
Cannibalized: z doll
vania_b (www.simplybloomphotography.com): you took care of the cat already
ckovalev: Constant choice
Villi.Ingi: Dark Harvest
Cassandra Mélena: rainy days keep me inside
Mr.Spell photographer: Di tutto quel niente..
nico*2006: cosmos
bryanscott: Old Bus
LaBetenoir: The Long Slow Tumble to the Ground.
Buck Lewis: Gate to Mangerton 1.ie
uvmonkey & sons: Light years #2