MacSmiley: Gone south for the winter
MacSmiley: The city mouse and the country mouse
MacSmiley: How Jehovah says "Good morning!"
MacSmiley: New toys at Dumpr?
MacSmiley: A final burst of energy
MacSmiley: Setting sun on prairie grass
MacSmiley: I am not the first
MacSmiley: Dog tracks?
MacSmiley: Too far to walk...
MacSmiley: Snowy wooden fingers
MacSmiley: Between a rock and a hard place
MacSmiley: A mighty one fallen
MacSmiley: Both ends against the middle
MacSmiley: Leftovers
MacSmiley: Goodnight, my someone
MacSmiley: Prairie sunset
MacSmiley: Glorious!
MacSmiley: Breathless!
MacSmiley: A peach of a sunrise
MacSmiley: "A daystar rises"
MacSmiley: Sun through December branches
MacSmiley: "Please Do Not Pick The Flowers"
MacSmiley: SD sunrise à la cameraphone
MacSmiley: Hoarfrost'd
MacSmiley: Waiting for action
MacSmiley: "Martha! They're going to burn that poor basketball hoop at the stake!"
MacSmiley: I'm cold! I wanna go inside, Gramma!!
MacSmiley: The snow angel tutorial did not impress
MacSmiley: Whaddya want I should do now ?
MacSmiley: Magical!