MacSmiley: From the archives…
MacSmiley: Memorial 2024
MacSmiley: Memorial 2024
MacSmiley: Memorial 2024
MacSmiley: A walk in the park…
MacSmiley: Memorial 2023
MacSmiley: Memorial 2023
MacSmiley: Memorial 2023
MacSmiley: Memorial 2023
MacSmiley: Memorial 2023
MacSmiley: FINALLY … Our first in-person Memorial !!
MacSmiley: Celebration
MacSmiley: I miss my cornfield horizon
MacSmiley: Normal autumn 🍁🌳🍂 L’Automne ordinaire
MacSmiley: Bizarre autumn 🍁🌳🍂 L’Automne bizarre
MacSmiley: Changing horizons
MacSmiley: Memorial emblems chez moi
MacSmiley: Memorial emblems chez moi
MacSmiley: Lightly frosted lake
MacSmiley: It’s that time of year again
MacSmiley: Wild thing
MacSmiley: Sudden realization
MacSmiley: Not so Friendly Neighborhood Turkey
MacSmiley: Haven’t seen this price in quite awhile
MacSmiley: Repix'd
MacSmiley: Just for the record, I REALLY like the pink quartzite gravel we use to make our roads here in SE South Dakota!
MacSmiley: I really like this demo image from DistressedFX v.2
MacSmiley: New baby
MacSmiley: Chiseled features