MacSmiley: A much clearer view of the platform
MacSmiley: First speaker
MacSmiley: A closer view of the stage
MacSmiley: Stage set for the afternoon session
MacSmiley: Around-the-tree-bench on a sultry afternoon
MacSmiley: Native Plants of Nebraska
MacSmiley: Come! Enter into a better place!
MacSmiley: Dreamy coneflowers
MacSmiley: A wall of flowers
MacSmiley: Up to my neck in coneflowers
MacSmiley: Sit down a spell
MacSmiley: Russian sage
MacSmiley: Between sessions
MacSmiley: "Gray-headedness is a crown of beauty"
MacSmiley: "... and the lame shall leap"
MacSmiley: 1, 2, 3... 49 baptismal candidates about to begin a new life
MacSmiley: So happy together!
MacSmiley: Lunch
MacSmiley: Time to find our seats!
MacSmiley: Really, brothers... find your seats!
MacSmiley: Enthusiastic crowd
MacSmiley: Where are you going for dinner?
MacSmiley: In her own world...
MacSmiley: Light from above
MacSmiley: What's it say on that box?
MacSmiley: What IS a fox squirrel anyway??
MacSmiley: Play Is Good Steet :-D
MacSmiley: Oops!
MacSmiley: I'm not the only one
MacSmiley: A souvenir