Just Cause | QSI: QSI: Tigershark
SAI (Stephens Armament Industries): Slick Skag Slayer (MK 2)
-- Prokhor Zakharov -: LWD // PR44 Series
RAPTOR-Ci Ceo: CI M14 L mod
Stalkyr~: 'Decisive Retaliation' LMG
Quarrius: Teaser?
EVFrost: Krakta - Hierarchy Hand Cannon
Archkyrie - Coffee: Yu Di Jungle Rifle
|Prk| - IGW ; Bullseye®: SCPR - auto rifle Mark II.
M0KII: AMI M2106 Azrael SABR
M0KII: Coming soon to an armory near you! [FINALLY COMPLETE]
Stalkyr~: KX-018 'Spectre'
Irish Warrior- Not dead yet.: SPW Exile "Arbiter"
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Alpine Stahlwerke GmbH. Gewehr 78SD ''Maus'' 5mm Caseless
XerNac - The Owlman: HK 417 Attempt
|Prk| - IGW ; Bullseye®: Shotgun concepts / mods.
Smith_sergey: Pistol 9x19 .
Wouter Kroon: Quicksilver Industries: "Greyhound" Battle Rifle
PMG Pat The Specter: Prototype S.C.R.
XerNac - The Owlman: Skeletal SMG B7 "Knook"