ADSL vs LTE Day 4/5: I tag @crazynalin to take the #Monochrome challenge and upload a B&W photo tagging an Instagrammer each day for the next 5 days.
'Be thrifty!' Day 3/5: I nominate @gopiharan to take this #Monochrome challenge and upload a B&W photos tagging a instagrammer each day for the next 5 days
'Keeper of the Gate.' Day 2/5: I nominate @psharshendra to take this #Monochrome challenge and upload a B&W photos tagging a instagrammer each day for the next 5 days
'Buds' Day 1/5: Thank you @anfasjm for the nomination. I nominate @gazly to take this #Monochrome challenge and upload a B&W photos tagging a instagrammer each day for the next 5 days
Daughter says: "It's not cool to have hair below the wrist" and trims it :) #FatherDaughterMoments