MachallePhotos: Cayman in the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Lizard we saw during our night boat excursion
MachallePhotos: Giant tarantula we saw on our boat trip
MachallePhotos: Python on our boat
MachallePhotos: Incredible dark still waters of the Rio Negro2
MachallePhotos: Incredible dark still waters of the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Even kids in the amazon play PS3!
MachallePhotos: Nearby village down the river from the Lodge
MachallePhotos: Feeding the Pink Dolphins
MachallePhotos: Sloth we saw during our night excursion on the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Dining at Anavilhanas Lodge
MachallePhotos: Beautiful Rio Negro2
MachallePhotos: Canoeing on the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Heading out on our canoes after our trek through the jungle
MachallePhotos: Not so nice trees in the Amazon
MachallePhotos: Amazon jungle
MachallePhotos: Trekking through the jungle in Anavilhanas
MachallePhotos: Elvis showing us how to survive in the jungle
MachallePhotos: Trekking through the jungle with Elvis and a giant ant nest in the background
MachallePhotos: Tree Frog we saw during our night excursion
MachallePhotos: Anavilhanas Lodge jetty
MachallePhotos: Beautiful Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Piranha chompers
MachallePhotos: Fishing for Piranha in the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Going piranha fishing with Elvis
MachallePhotos: Sloth spotting in the Amazon
MachallePhotos: Swimming in the Rio Negro
MachallePhotos: Beautiful little birds we spotted during our night excursion
MachallePhotos: Beautiful foliage of the Amazon
MachallePhotos: Anavilhanas Lodge2