MachallePhotos: View of San Juan2
MachallePhotos: Driving into San Juan
MachallePhotos: View from Yokahu Tower
MachallePhotos: Coast of San Juan
MachallePhotos: Waterfall at El Yunque
MachallePhotos: Puerto Rican Poison Ivy!
MachallePhotos: Yokahu Tower
MachallePhotos: Climbing Yokahu Tower
MachallePhotos: Big Tree Trail
MachallePhotos: Big Tree Trail2
MachallePhotos: Big Tree Trail3
MachallePhotos: Big Tree Trail4
MachallePhotos: El Yunque Park
MachallePhotos: Mojito making
MachallePhotos: Streets of San Juan
MachallePhotos: Yellow Rice
MachallePhotos: Awesome staff at Cafe Puerto Rico
MachallePhotos: Old San Juan at night
MachallePhotos: Huge Vat of Yellow Rice - Old San Juan
MachallePhotos: Streets of Old San Juan2
MachallePhotos: Feliz Navidad in San Juan
MachallePhotos: Beautiful Piazza in Old San Juan
MachallePhotos: Castillo San Cristobal
MachallePhotos: Prisoners wall sketchers in dungeon
MachallePhotos: Plaza Del Mercado
MachallePhotos: Streets of Old San Juan
MachallePhotos: Party Victims
MachallePhotos: beautiful architecture of Old San Juan
MachallePhotos: Cafe Puerto Rico
MachallePhotos: View from Castello San Cristobal