MachallePhotos: Inner Passage6
MachallePhotos: Beautiful countryside along Inner Passage
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage
MachallePhotos: Boarding Northern Expedition in Port Hardy
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage7
MachallePhotos: Beautiful little communities and lighthouses along the way
MachallePhotos: Dining Room on Northern Expedition
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage2
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage5
MachallePhotos: Parking in Northern Expedition
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage9
MachallePhotos: Cafe area in Northern Expedition
MachallePhotos: Port Hardy
MachallePhotos: Great outside seating on Northern Expedition
MachallePhotos: Cabins on Inner Passage
MachallePhotos: Canoe Cafe
MachallePhotos: Northern Expedition
MachallePhotos: Whale in the distance in Inner Passage
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage4
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage8
MachallePhotos: Bald Eagle in flight
MachallePhotos: Inner Passage3
MachallePhotos: Tranquil waters on the Inner Passage