MachallePhotos: Entrance to Devi's Fall
MachallePhotos: Devi's Fall
MachallePhotos: Himalayas View from Phewa Lake
MachallePhotos: Pokhara
MachallePhotos: Phewa Lake3
MachallePhotos: Buddha offering
MachallePhotos: Nepali Culture Show at Pokhara restaurant
MachallePhotos: Phewa Lake
MachallePhotos: Beautiful Lakeside restaurant in Pokhara
MachallePhotos: Temple Tree Hotel2
MachallePhotos: Farmers in Pokhara
MachallePhotos: Sarangkot
MachallePhotos: People getting ready to go to Barahi Island Temple
MachallePhotos: Hiking down to Devi Falls
MachallePhotos: Temple Tree Hotel
MachallePhotos: Incredible looking local in Pokhara
MachallePhotos: Pokhara2
MachallePhotos: Cute little local kids in Pokhara
MachallePhotos: View from Peace Pagoda
MachallePhotos: Climb up to Peace Pagoda2
MachallePhotos: Longboats on Phewa Lake
MachallePhotos: It's a little dusty
MachallePhotos: Paragliders over Pokhara2
MachallePhotos: Little school kids in Sarangkot
MachallePhotos: Phewa Lake5
MachallePhotos: Pokhara Shops
MachallePhotos: Stunning flowers in Pokhara restaurant
MachallePhotos: Local ladies in Pokhara
MachallePhotos: Phewa Lake2
MachallePhotos: Pokhara side street