Randomographer: chocolate disaster
jolamarkiewicz: bruschetta z sosem pomidorowym, pieczonym baklazanem, oliwkami i kaparami
Nicki 979: Madeleines
Melody Fury: Texas duck confit with housemade bbq sauce and mangoes
hazemsannib: Mixed Berries
PhotochefMama: capucino---ws
Sonia! The Healthy Foodie: Pear and Fig Bran Muffins-11
reenapastakia: Aubergine with sesame seeds and peanuts
Roger T Wong: 20110926-05-Banana and walnut loaf at Tricycle in Hobart
Lopiccolo: Ricotta Pancakes at Smoke
JoeFisherPhoto: Byron Burger
kathleenneumark: Homemade Empanadillas
wp228: matchamilk
pkimfoto: _MG_0286
WilfredM: portobello market chocolate cupcakes
MatthwJ: Apple Muffins
Spectrum*: بسبوسة بالشوكولاته و النسكافيه
Sierra Springs Photography: Yummy Apple Tart
Emain: Tarts-9002
seango: Air Cured Coppa
-=Cheese=-: Shrimp Ceviche
padgettchris1: Yes!...they were as good as they look!
Itan Photography: Strip Steak
pastrystudio: Café Beaujolais Coffee Cake
dan_bullock: Bristol
dan_bullock: Aaah tasty times :)
DavidArmant: Stand Your Ground