_Tiler: Ford Falcon XB Interceptor — Mad Max Fury Road
Red Spacecat: Swordfish class frigate "Valion"
the oneman: Duch - Ghost. main pic.
_Tiler: Space Rover
Shamisenfred: "LUCIOLE" Light fighter
Dead Frog inc.: Weeping Chimeira
Ironsniper: AE-6 ‘Daisy’ Light Armor
LEGO DOU Moko: Exo-suit 18
_Tiler: Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000 — Pz.Spah 1124 Luna Gans
LEGO DOU Moko: Exo-suit 17
LEGO DOU Moko: Exo-suit 16
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Quadruped mech_01
Inthert: Yellow-Bolt
Nick Brick: Game Boy Color
Peter Rush - drawings: North 14th Street, St. Louis
Mitsuru Nikaido: Object-11_1
Mitsuru Nikaido: Object-10_12
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Robot Mk-20_12
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Robot Mk-20_01
Space Glove: Midwife
Filler Brick: Galan Pang Mobile Repulsor Docking Clamps
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Mecha Cicada_06
Rogue Bantha: The Mpemba Effect
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Mecha Bathynomus giganteus_09
Red Spacecat: MSJ-06II-E engine component
LEGO DOU Moko: Striker Mk-Ⅰ
Inthert: Fire-Flyer Multi-View
Tino Poutiainen: Deep Space Shipyard
Tino Poutiainen: Elder Sentinel