m_culnane: The disappearing OU house
m_culnane: The last remaining large Cedar of Lebanon tree at Walton Hall was blown over during gale force winds on the evening of Feb 14.
m_culnane: This tiny tin of plectrums cost £3.50. It is roughly the same size as £3.50. Yet Amazon's courier service insisted on delivering it to my neighbour, thinking it wouldn't fit through my letterbox.
m_culnane: I found a poorly looking pot plant outside my office yesterday. Wish him well.
m_culnane: I went to watch the filming of Hans Rosling's new TV show last night. Stats! International development! Data viz!
m_culnane: Stevenage vs Watford
m_culnane: The approach to Olympic (née Wembley) Way
m_culnane: Lovely Lyns takes the pup for a walk.
m_culnane: Sleeping beauties on the sofa
m_culnane: She just saw a photo of herself wearing a dressing gown and wellies in the hot midday sun, carrying a fistful of dandelions and a chunk of bread.
m_culnane: This looks like a recipe for disaster.
m_culnane: Another day, another huge cake left in the office.
m_culnane: Double rainbow
m_culnane: Ash tree
m_culnane: Pocket
m_culnane: The new way to get ahead at work: get beat by the boss. (It comes naturally to me.)
m_culnane: Ivy
m_culnane: Huge Tree "Came From Hell", Brought Mist