la mirgue: Plage du Lazaret
Stewf: The Queen’s Gambit
Stewf: Richardson Furniture Co. mosaic, Chico, CA
Stewf: São Paulo sidewalk patterns
Stewf: São Paulo sidewalk patterns
Stewf: Futura: The Type of Today and To-morrow
Stewf: Non-Sign II by Lead Pencil Studio
Stewf: Ford at the Big Sur Roadhouse
insect54: XXXII Biennale 1964
Virtual Zavie: A gust of wind
nervous system: hyphae crispata 1
incertitumbre: hazedub
jonathanmccabe: 20140209d
flight404: Golden
flight404: Damned diving gannets
Daniel-Brown: 20130329_163157
Casey REAS: Signal to Noise (Software 1), 2012. Casey Reas
Casey REAS: Signal to Noise (Software 1), 2012. Casey Reas
Daniel-Brown: 20130329_163022 "Get Physical", Joachim Sauter, Day 3 Memo Akten, Day 3 Karsten Schmidt, Day 3
nervous system: rxn ombre 3
Timo-Boese: IMG_0311
Daniel-Brown: Lovebytes Digital Spring 2012
Daniel-Brown: 20130118_204253
Daniel-Brown: 20130118_212300
Daniel-Brown: 20130118_222535
Mr. Greenjeans: Fungi Rainbows