lyonesset: Day 7: Seeing myself reflected
lyonesset: Day 6: I’m a worker, a knitter, a designer, a cook and a wife. Not necessarily in that order of priority, unfortunately.
lyonesset: Day 5: curious about purple butterflowers
lyonesset: Day 3: connecting with my body. This was interesting, i don’t take good care of myself and I mostly live in my head, with little love for my body. I tried to focus here on connecting with my feet, not on the more detached ‘thanking’ of my feet.
lyonesset: Day 2: finding myself in my wardrobe. I often wear dramatic earrings but I don’t often wear this leopard print jacket. It’s styling is unusual and to wear it today, on the third day of a new job, felt quite daring. It is, however, very much me.
lyonesset: Finding myself at home: this image feels like me, with my hands touching yarn. I knit and I weave, and I design knitwear and publish patterns. It challenges me and overwhelms me at times but I am always drawn to creating with yarn.
lyonesset: Oh, there I am. Taken 31 years ago.
lyonesset: Narelle's pav
lyonesset: Pariwa
lyonesset: JT's 40th
lyonesset: (it was an Asterix and Obelix party)
lyonesset: Niece's b'day 2012
lyonesset: She wanted an owl
lyonesset: Rocket man!
lyonesset: Zappo! 2012 BIL cake
lyonesset: Close up bug
lyonesset: P1040242