alicecahill: Bluebird in Flight
alicecahill: The Berry Twist
alicecahill: Flying Quail
alicecahill: Early Morning Visitor
alicecahill: Witches Paddle
Gary Randall: Factory Butte, Utah
alicecahill: Perseid Meteor Shower over Mono Lake - in Explore
alicecahill: American Pika
susan9701314: Tumalo Falls, Oregon
susan9701314: Meadow I
susan9701314: Salmon River, OR
alicecahill: Red-tailed Hawk with a Snake
Jeff Clow: Portrait of a Pyrrhuloxia
Gary Randall: A Perfect Circle
Anne McKinnell: Great Blue Herons
Anne McKinnell: Pied-Billed Grebe
susan9701314: Land of the Giants
Anne McKinnell: Half Dome from Cook's Meadow
Aaron Reed Photography: Beauty of the Narrows
Gary Randall: A High Hat
Gary Randall: Lenticularly Delicious
Anne McKinnell: Harris' Hawk - Wings in Time
susan9701314: Proxy Falls, Oregon
Anne McKinnell: Dead Horse Ranch State Park
susan9701314: McKay Crossing
Anne McKinnell: Buttle Narrows
susan9701314: Noble Ones
susan9701314: Cheat grass
alicecahill: Red Fox