skamalas: The high road
stickyhipp: Pete circa 2000
bhautik_joshi: chills snottiness
bhautik_joshi: juiciest surcharger
Matthew Almon Roth: I love Tempest
bhautik_joshi: flinchingly clotured blasts
Matthew Almon Roth: STOP BUTTS
aymanshamma: Thuwal
skamalas: Preparing lunch
bhautik_joshi: incubates snorts
morozgrafix: Cranky
bhautik_joshi: uncleanly oversimplify dustier squad
bhautik_joshi: excess armorist
aymanshamma: Lyndon Kennedy packs a room for our talk on community, AI, and Yahoo Project Weather. #cscw2016
skamalas: Mind your step
aymanshamma: My cover art. Our article. Who said print is dead?!?
bhautik_joshi: the exoneration was odds-on
bhautik_joshi: ail such domiciles
bhautik_joshi: enfranchises polyesters
aymanshamma: VR selfie.
bhautik_joshi: gold-brick peppermints
stickyhipp: There is no spoon
aymanshamma: 3D Dense Reconstruction of the Lincoln Memorial (with camera perspectives).
bhautik_joshi: San Francisco skyline from Potrero Hill
bhautik_joshi: retyping seersucker
Marco Sansalone: Why we filter our photos and how it impacts engagement - Yahoo Labs / Instagram / Flickr
aymanshamma: The HCI Research Group at Yahoo Labs & Flickr
bhautik_joshi: decoupled mnemonics
phil dokas: Bhautik getting into the deep science of MapReduce
phil dokas: The Solo Jazz cup