Lynda Blair Photography: Clapper Rail - Mathews, VA
Lynda Blair Photography: Northern Bobwhite Quail
Lynda Blair Photography: Adult Brown Pelican
Lynda Blair Photography: Juvi. Brown Pelicans - Poquoson, VA
Lynda Blair Photography: Chincoteague wild ponies
Lynda Blair Photography: Peregrine Falcon
Lynda Blair Photography: White Pelicans- Pea Island, NC
Lynda Blair Photography: Red Tailled hawk
Lynda Blair Photography: Woodcock - Eastern Shore of VA
Lynda Blair Photography: banded Eagle on the James river
Lynda Blair Photography: You lookin' at me??
Lynda Blair Photography: Ready for takeoff
Lynda Blair Photography: I know you're up there!
Lynda Blair Photography: The "real" Mother Goose