denzzz: C. & A.
sctatepdx: Two beautiful cats
garshna: I'm a Sinner . . .
Matteo Allochis, the Artist: There's life up there [explored]
vivienne_strauss: Signs Made here
lille abe: 2882 miles since
The Amazing Mr. Ripley: Agriculture #30
brakes4bunnies: lets stay
sheke1: abandoned barn
Scamper Girl: Lean on Me
vivienne_strauss: yeah! A young white squirrel has found my feeders!
buttercup caren: "lovers not fighters" Polaroid Week Day 5
dreamscapesxx: Polaroid Week Day Four - Shadows & Light
dreamscapesxx: Polaroid Week Day Four - Barn, Evening Light
lawatt: cloud
Urizen Freaza: In hell
buttercup caren: "bright eyed" Polaroid Week Day 4
jimheid: Tomahack Indian Store, Lupton, AZ
EllenJo: ford and GM
Akio Nakai 中飯明央: Blue Gravity(Like Sea)