cotinis: Shiny white moth
Budby: [10193] Nether Edge : Spring Leigh
josemph: Duende.
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 78 of "Songs for Little People [With illustrations by H. Stratton.]"
The British Library: LIVING__WITH_MACHINES_DEC2022
Scotland by NJC.: St. Peter's Church, Henfield, West Sussex. Some parts date back to the 13th. Century.
Scotland by NJC.: You can tell we are in Chalk country. Flint cottages, Church Tower and remains of Bramber Castle Entrance Tower, Bramber, West Sussex, England.
spompig.: Stokesay Castle.
mdsoto: Garza branca grande. Egretta alba.
mdsoto: Espátula . Platalea leucorodia..
mdsoto: Espátulas traballando.
myriorama: caterpillars
myriorama: morning webs
myriorama: spinybacked orbweaver
myriorama: Joro in her web
myriorama: spider web
mdsoto: 36 cumple!!
myriorama: water measurer
myriorama: green lacewing
myriorama: polyphemus
myriorama: small orbweaver
mdsoto: IMG_20211008_134857
mdsoto: Na Graña de Ferrol.
mdsoto: A mincha na Redonda.