harrybobs58: Tree on the hill.
harrybobs58: Cave Dale
harrybobs58: View from Cown Edge
harrybobs58: River Path
harrybobs58: Anne Jim and Angela
harrybobs58: Suspension Bridge
harrybobs58: Field of Scabious
harrybobs58: Rambling
harrybobs58: Grizedale foreast
harrybobs58: Bluebells in the woods.
harrybobs58: Autumn
harrybobs58: All in a days rambling.
harrybobs58: Three boats
harrybobs58: Ready for my photo shoot
harrybobs58: Parasol of flowers.
harrybobs58: Standing tall
harrybobs58: Arum maculatum, Lords and Ladies
harrybobs58: Glossop
harrybobs58: Wise Man
harrybobs58: rambling
harrybobs58: Lichen on Rock
harrybobs58: The Leader
harrybobs58: The Lakes
harrybobs58: Old Sign
harrybobs58: Single file please
harrybobs58: Friends
harrybobs58: water garden
harrybobs58: Lords and Ladies
harrybobs58: Amanita Muscaria common name fly agaric.