lupinoduck: Coming down the Tower
lupinoduck: Spiral steps
lupinoduck: Pisa Duomo & Catherdral
lupinoduck: Streets from the tower, Pisa
lupinoduck: More stone steps
lupinoduck: Assent
lupinoduck: The central core of the leaning tower, with reinforcement, etc
lupinoduck: End of Pirate Day
lupinoduck: Eating nanas in Gibraltar
lupinoduck: Apes in Gibraltar
lupinoduck: 2 monkeys (ok, yes, I know - Apes) on a wall in Gibraltar
lupinoduck: The boat in the marina at Vigo
lupinoduck: In the park, Vigo, Spain
lupinoduck: Boy1 puts stones in the old cannons, Vigo, Spain
lupinoduck: Mad Hair Day at School - Boy2
lupinoduck: Mad Hair Day at School - Boy1
lupinoduck: Velma from Scooby Doo :D
lupinoduck: Sleepy time
lupinoduck: Buzzzzz
lupinoduck: Cosied up and fixed to a screen.... #cyberparenting... :D
lupinoduck: Cup of tea, what what?...
lupinoduck: Girl 1 has been mumified
lupinoduck: The Boys
lupinoduck: The Boys again
lupinoduck: The gang feasting on breakfast cereal
lupinoduck: Boy 1 in camouflage
lupinoduck: Ants nest
lupinoduck: Who's that spotty oik? :D
lupinoduck: Mum & Daughter
lupinoduck: Rolling Dorset Hills