Sugar Silverstar: R.I.P. Anne MacCaffrey 1926 -2011
WildImages: African Wildcat spits goodbye to a juvenile Cheetah just leaving 35 5000 05150-09108
stella-mia: vikings
Sugar Silverstar: White Lace
podenga: nietzsche's horse, aka anna's night mare Rufous Hummingbird
WildImages: White Rhinoceros-mother and calf IMG_0855
podenga: in praise of shadows
jungle mama: This baby Squirrel is persistent!
WildImages: Hippopotamus juveniles posture in play 0R7E2218
Martin Stranka: White Night
WildImages: Three Snow Geese about to land IMG_6281
Vicki's Nature: Monarch Cat
Sugar Silverstar: Dark Night 4
BigTV11: Swans
HD Photographie: La Ruda @ Le Forum
stella-mia: Icy Confetti
Slingher: Osprey in flight
stella-mia: taste of summer
Christie Spad: Fading Memories
Sugar Silverstar: The World's End Garden 2
Crystalize Sands: "!Let It Rain!"
jaiprox: Malayan Whip Snake also known as the Big-eyed Whip Snake
Daniela Gulda: Venice V
dancer Dallagio: italian sunset
Aquatic Ape: Nearly in focus
Aquatic Ape: Porcelain Crab @ Sabang
Aquatic Ape: Tambja sp