lunacow: Watch Your Step
lunacow: my former hair
lunacow: my former hair
lunacow: my new 'do (back view)
lunacow: my new 'do
lunacow: haircut in progress
lunacow: before the haircut
lunacow: before the haircut
lunacow: last night's hailstorm
lunacow: book title pattern
lunacow: gorgeous sunset cloud over cemetery
lunacow: sunset mountains
lunacow: squares
lunacow: otherwordly landscape
lunacow: moon over midwest
lunacow: Owen and giraffe
lunacow: tiny hand
lunacow: Owen and Auntie Lisa
lunacow: Sharing a quiet moment
lunacow: Owen has something to say
lunacow: Owen and his Grampy
lunacow: Owen meets his Great-Grandbob
lunacow: No more photos!
lunacow: Owen and his Grandma
lunacow: Owen and Mama
lunacow: impromptu family portrait
lunacow: tiny feet
lunacow: baby burrito!
lunacow: Owen counting sheep
lunacow: Owen with Daddy