rbw: Bademaus
rbw: IMG_7964
rbw: morpht
tophrrrr: "I know which one you are," he said casually.
rbw: IMG_4765
Anna L. Schiller: Net Neutrality And Creative Freedom (Tim Wu at re:publica 2010)
Timo Heuer: Nico Lumma in his Scholz&Friends office
jumjumabc: failblumenkuebel
Anna L. Schiller: Social Media Week: Social Media Marketing - Die neuen Spielregeln des Social Web
DocChewbacca: Can you read this, Luke Skywalker?
rbw: Quilted Adventskalender
rbw: IMG_3962
germanstudent: Ich weiß gar nicht was ihr an dem Spiel findet. Habs in die Playstation eingelegt. Ist voll lame
amjamjazz: Baton-Wielding Police Medic YR394
scriptingnews: Picture of the day
rbw: IMG_2550
hebig: bild_twitter
wandaaaa: as real as it gets...
scriptingnews: Were American women waiting for 232 years for Sarah Palin?
the waving cat: i work for the internets
Sarik Weber: Der Dax wird ausgesetzt
mikebutcher: 06112008033
rbw: IMG_0634
rbw: IMG_0696
rbw: IMG_0741
rbw: Kirche_044
Neezee: Herr Lumma wieder mal abwesend
loiclemeur: lesblogs