lumbagooo: kacsafarkú szender (Macroglossum stellatarum)
lumbagooo: The Milky Way
lumbagooo: Perseid meteor_1
lumbagooo: Perseid meteor_2
lumbagooo: Perseid meteors
lumbagooo: trust me I'm an engineer_2
lumbagooo: Shamefaced Upopa epops
lumbagooo: Instead of Woodpeckers in love - the male great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) feeds the young . Velence, Hungary Nikon D750+ 200-500
lumbagooo: Certhia familiaris - Treecreeper
lumbagooo: Well tailored cloud
lumbagooo: The side effect of mild winter in Europe - tick on the birdhead
lumbagooo: The side effect of mild winter in Europe - tick on the birdhead
lumbagooo: Nutcracker woodpecker - Dendrocopos major
lumbagooo: Accipiter nisus female
lumbagooo: Riparia riparia
lumbagooo: Tesla tree - from Hyperion
lumbagooo: Avian pox on Parus major
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Rhyolitic tuff - Kazár
lumbagooo: Non-Industrial Light & Magic - at Lake Velence
lumbagooo: Buglyos v. sallangos szegfű - Dianthus superbus
lumbagooo: Preparing the next generation - Riparia riparia
lumbagooo: Trust me, I'm an engineer !
lumbagooo: Balance - Falco tinnunculus
lumbagooo: Carex humilis
lumbagooo: Just a weed - Veronica prostrata