lulu cooks: 龜岡週遭的稻田 Rice paddies in rural Kyoto
lulu cooks: 龜岡週遭的稻田 Rice paddies in rural Kyoto
lulu cooks: 龜岡週遭的稻田 Rice paddies in rural Kyoto
lulu cooks: Torokko scenic train
lulu cooks: 沿途的保津川景色view from the scenic train
lulu cooks: 沿途的保津川景色view from the scenic train
lulu cooks: 野宮神社裡小小的苔庭 a small moss garden in Nonomiya Shrine
lulu cooks: 繪馬 Ema prayer plaques
lulu cooks: 野宮神社的千羽鶴 strings of origami flamingos in Nonomiya Shrine
lulu cooks: 野宮神社
lulu cooks: 竹林 bamboo groves near Torokko Arashiyama station
lulu cooks: 嵐山竹林, 等了一會兒終於沒人了 The bamboo grooves in Arashiyama
lulu cooks: 嵐山竹林, 等了一會兒終於沒人了 The bamboo grooves in Arashiyama
lulu cooks: 竹林 bamboo groves near Torokko Arashiyama station
lulu cooks: 走向松籟庵的途中
lulu cooks: 中間小路繼續往山裡走才到得了 continued heading toward the restaurant in mountains.
lulu cooks: 終於到松籟庵的入口. 餐廳建物原是19世紀近衛文麿公爵的別莊Finally to the entrance of Shourai-An tofu restaurant, which is converted from a villa of Duke Konoe Fumimaro in the 19th century
lulu cooks: 終於到松籟庵的入口. 餐廳建物原是19世紀近衛文麿公爵的別莊Finally to the entrance of Shourai-An tofu restaurant, which is converted from a villa of Duke Konoe Fumimaro in the 19th century
lulu cooks: 先前預約了靠窗的席位. 從個室看保津川的景色 view from our private room
lulu cooks: 先前預約了靠窗的席位. 從個室看保津川的景色 view from our private room
lulu cooks: 偷瞄隔壁個室 an adjoining private room
lulu cooks: 煎茶 sencha
lulu cooks: 先付:冷豆腐佐宮古島雪塩, 賀茂番茄佐紫蘇, 食前酒: 梅酒, 另外點的カルピス
lulu cooks: 先付:冷豆腐佐宮古島雪塩, 賀茂番茄佐紫蘇, 食前酒: 梅酒, 另外點的カルピス
lulu cooks: 籠盛(八寸): 蓴菜酢物、胡麻豆腐、生麩田樂、鱧魚、烤海老、酥炸帆立貝、玉子焼、鰻魚押寿司、地雞肉團子、金時地瓜、伏見辣椒
lulu cooks: 籠盛(八寸): 蓴菜酢物、胡麻豆腐、生麩田樂、鱧魚、烤海老、酥炸帆立貝、玉子焼、鰻魚押寿司、地雞肉團子、金時地瓜、伏見辣椒
lulu cooks: 湯豆腐, 用名店嘉森的豆腐 simmered tofu in kelp stock
lulu cooks: 湯豆腐, 用名店嘉森的豆腐 simmered tofu in kelp stock
lulu cooks: 揚げだし豆腐 deep fried tofu in daishi broth
lulu cooks: 京漬物 tsukemono pickles