lulu cooks:
錦市場內的京漬物店 Tsukemono pickle shop in Nishiki Market
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試吃漬物 tasting pickles
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錦市場 Nishiki market
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かね松本舖 Kanematsu, a high-end greengrocer in the market
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三木雞卵的出し巻き. Miki Keiran, a daishimaki Kyoto-style rolled omelette sho
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豆乳甜甜圈. 有油耗味. soy milk doughnuts sold in the market
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開業快五百年的刀具名店有次. 結果啥都沒買. Aritsugu Knifes (since 1560) is also in Nishiki Market
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Inoda Coffee 老舖咖啡廳 one of the oldest in Kyoto
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一樓是精肉舖. The restaurant of 130 years is known for their high-quality Wagyu. There's also a butcher shop at the first floor.
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中午吃百年寿喜燒三嶋亭 sukiyaki at Mishimatei for lunch
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和別的套餐比起來, 午餐套餐的肉片好小. We ordered lunch sets. the beef slices were much smaller than other exceedingly pricier sets.
lulu cooks:
想必池波正太郎不是吃便宜的想必池波正太郎不是吃便宜的お昼のコース. 午餐的和牛雖然肥, 沒有到入口牛脂滿溢的地步.. 午餐的和牛雖然肥, 沒有到入口牛脂滿溢的地步.
lulu cooks:
lulu cooks:
住不到俵屋, 但是買了特製香皂回家假裝一下. Tawaraya Ryokan.
lulu cooks:
住不到俵屋, 但是買了特製香皂回家假裝一下. Tawaraya Ryokan.
lulu cooks:
住不到俵屋, 但是買了特製香皂回家假裝一下. Tawaraya Ryokan.
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Salon de the au Grenier d'Or for desserts.
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先在蛋糕櫃選甜點, 西原主廚也親自在那裡接待. エキゾチック Exotic fruit tart.
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西原的代表作, 從貝聿銘的金字塔發想的ピラミッド. Nishihara's signature cake, Pyramid, inspired by I.M. Pei's work.
lulu cooks:
lulu cooks:
無鄰庵 Murin-An, a peaceful Japanese garden
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關園日落時分. before closing
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只有青楓沒有紅葉 green maples
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無鄰庵 Murin-An, a peaceful Japanese garden
lulu cooks:
無鄰庵 Murin-An, a peaceful Japanese garden
lulu cooks:
無鄰庵 Murin-An, a peaceful Japanese garden
lulu cooks:
hanging on to life
lulu cooks:
無鄰庵 Murin-An, a peaceful Japanese garden
lulu cooks:
安藤忠雄的Kyoto Times I II. A small commercial complex by Tadao Ando
lulu cooks:
安藤忠雄的Kyoto Times I II. A small commercial complex by Tadao Ando