I originally shot this using #Oggl. Knew I wanted to keep the image in color because the sky was such a beautiful blue and I wanted the clouds to really stand out. Went with #Jane for her true to reality results and played around with different films fina
Another shot for this week's birthday celebration over at @hipstaroll. This has been one of my favorite black and white combos since #Jane was released. Paired with #blackeyssupergrain, I just love the contrast I get from this duo. Jane is so pure that no
It's amazing how detailed and intricate some of these doors are to the mausoleums. Beautiful. #hipstamatic #oggl #watts #inas1935 #hw_anyinastuesday
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein
Thank you everyone for another great week at @hipstaroll Hope you enjoyed this combo as much as I did! #hipstamatic #kaimalmarkii #kodotxgrizzled #hipstaroll_week93
As I'm sure many of you know, most of the Hipstamatic users who downloaded the new Oggl app are experiencing problems tagging and following on IG. Tho this is certainly a bummer, I'm sure it will soon be fixed and we can continue our normal routine. I'm
My favorite shot from my adventures with Kaimal/Kodot (so far) It just has a dreamy, light feel to it. The muted colors and that little pop of flare, I can still feel the cool breeze from that day. Hope everyone is having a good time shooting with this we
A #hipstaroll_multiex for #hipstaroll_week93 This feature has been difficult for me to grasp, but I'm still trying!
The itsy bitsy butterfly... #hipstamatic #kaimalmarkii #kodotxgrizzled #hipstamacro #hipstaroll_week93