lukejordan: Skinny shadow. #skinnyshadow #highongeometry
lukejordan: Parking lot. #parkinglotshadow
lukejordan: Polo and the Undertaker. #undertaker #kauai
lukejordan: Cornered stool. #timeout
lukejordan: Green rectangle, rectangles.
lukejordan: #SLEEPWITHME #youretheartist #finalproject
lukejordan: Euclid'a dog. #elements #highongeometry #pythagoreannap #hypotenuse
lukejordan: upload
lukejordan: My ears are translucent. #translucentears #selfie
lukejordan: She had the best hardware, today. #hardware
lukejordan: Arm, chair, rectangles. #chair #highongeometry
lukejordan: Tia has been working. #dustmask #working
lukejordan: #timetoclean
lukejordan: upload
lukejordan: Wilcox Classical Museum. #wilcoxclassicalmuseum
lukejordan: Exit/No Exit. #discussthrower #exitsign
lukejordan: Serious old guy with glasses and... #seriousoldguy
lukejordan: Off white: quadrangles and triangles. #quadrangle #triangle
lukejordan: Erin glowing. #hairtoday #onfire
lukejordan: Katie gives herself new tattoos almost everyday in class. #inkfever #washable
lukejordan: Broom with a view. #broomwithaview
lukejordan: Taking our shadows for a walk. #shadowwalk
lukejordan: upload
lukejordan: #anxiousmoment
lukejordan: upload
lukejordan: Rehearsal, before curtain... #KU #universitytheatre
lukejordan: Getting ready to go: the moment before... #gettingreadytogo #kustudyabroad