johnsonl33: Massage at the airport
johnsonl33: Weird marketing
johnsonl33: I thought this came out pretty good
johnsonl33: Arrival in Quito
johnsonl33: Roof dog
johnsonl33: Breakfast at the hotel
johnsonl33: Politics in Quito
johnsonl33: The park in Quito
johnsonl33: Look!
johnsonl33: Jake's worse nightmare
johnsonl33: Reflections are fun
johnsonl33: The hotel
johnsonl33: The 2nd of many rides with Memo
johnsonl33: The church
johnsonl33: The church
johnsonl33: The church
johnsonl33: The church
johnsonl33: Glass that is stained
johnsonl33: Look inside to see all the people
johnsonl33: Heading onto the roof of the church
johnsonl33: Quito and the church
johnsonl33: Heading to the top
johnsonl33: Quito
johnsonl33: Towers
johnsonl33: I just noticed the "Davis" graffiti
johnsonl33: Quito
johnsonl33: Through the weird window thing
johnsonl33: Below the grid
johnsonl33: Hold on tight