johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: Empire of the Sun at Belly Up, Aspen
johnsonl33: wwysydh
johnsonl33: Home office is fully operational.
johnsonl33: Morning run.
johnsonl33: A dog waits for the tide to return his ball.
johnsonl33: Shiny sunrise Tucson from Sentinel Peak.
johnsonl33: #burrdown or maybe it's #beardown
johnsonl33: Crappy shot of the almost super moon above Atlanta.
johnsonl33: Helloooooooo, Oklahoma!
johnsonl33: $240 of bear later. J/K J/K J/K
johnsonl33: Pretty good, Puerto Rico.
johnsonl33: The up valley and down valley views from yesterday's run in Crested Butte.
johnsonl33: Even JJ Abrams would be proud of this lens flare. Another beautiful weekend in Tucson. #destinationyay
johnsonl33: Tucson sunsets are legit.
johnsonl33: Sleepy times for Steve.
johnsonl33: Craftsmanship (and dark side force powers) have improved over the course of 30 years. #starwars
johnsonl33: Garbage will do. #starwars
johnsonl33: Me walking around at Heroes tourney
johnsonl33: I took one picture and it's shitty. Sam Beam played Fever Dream, Old Communion Cups and Sodom South Georgia. I'm thankful.
johnsonl33: New watchband for the birthdays! Thanks, Natalie!
johnsonl33: Worst impression of a gamer I've ever seen. I don't even know where to start.
johnsonl33: Jurassic Park 2. Eli Roth as a straight up extra. Doesn't say a word. Just reads the paper as Goldblum sits down.