johnsonl33: He married the girl on his left
johnsonl33: Me and my favorite Brit
johnsonl33: Fam-damily
johnsonl33: Cuddly, happy, smushy
johnsonl33: Hee HOO!
johnsonl33: Jake ... always fighting the trend
johnsonl33: Hee HEE!
johnsonl33: Canyon man
johnsonl33: One of us is from across the pond
johnsonl33: Is that a cannon on your hip or ... ?
johnsonl33: Dirty Steve
johnsonl33: One of us is not like the other
johnsonl33: Got her.
johnsonl33: You don't know me, son!
johnsonl33: I'm running a half marathon, Hi!
johnsonl33: Thumbers
johnsonl33: And again
johnsonl33: Meeting of the minds