johnsonl33: watchout!
johnsonl33: another victimless crime
johnsonl33: you know what they say about dudes and guitars ...
johnsonl33: lunch
johnsonl33: trampoline leg wars
johnsonl33: surprisingly, they're not doing what you think they're doing
johnsonl33: overactive bladders ... a problem of the past
johnsonl33: it ain't pineapple juice
johnsonl33: siblings
johnsonl33: camera hogs
johnsonl33: you don't know me, son
johnsonl33: look closely at the dirt
johnsonl33: father, son
johnsonl33: taming the dirt beast
johnsonl33: boring
johnsonl33: prep time
johnsonl33: hoo ha
johnsonl33: and again
johnsonl33: we were listening to slipknot
johnsonl33: father, daughter
johnsonl33: he's very brand loyal
johnsonl33: more people
johnsonl33: mom wins
johnsonl33: more beverages
johnsonl33: lubs' arch nemesis
johnsonl33: cordless phone, schmordless phone
johnsonl33: eureka! a child!