Marcel Bakker: There must be a god
Ines L. Pisano: Cuéntame un cuento
DameBoudicca: Golden Tokyo night South Beach Bright Night
KHR Images: "Be Careful - The Wind Might Change"
photoksenia: sea life
cristina.g216: Bicycle
fiffo1892: Uncle Benz
fiffo1892: Coming
EtienneR68: Vestrahorn Islande
p.mathias: Somerset House
vulture labs: Giudecca
photoksenia: kangaroo :)
Pete Rowbottom, Wigan, UK: Differing effects of exposure
rondoudou87: ghost rider en vacances
Gabriel Sellanes: In the light of the candle
dianne_stankiewicz: Contemplating the Void
Antonio Chac: Amanecer de otoño
DameBoudicca: Water-coloured garden
ISP Bruno Laplante: In Rust We Trust
TOONMAN_blchin: ChuanXI, China
Julien Ruiz: sanglier-Sus scrofa
Mariette80: Azuré des nerpruns