Andrew P Brooks: From 'Loomings' a collaboration with David Ogle.
archidose: Chicago Architecture Biennial
Aerial Photography: Outdoor Wave Pool
Juan Felipe Gómez T: Tarde de lluvia.
JuanGCaicedoD: ocarina
k masback: shining mountains shaped up
Diana Lange: Terrain simulation
manuelvillalar: Estudio de Fachada Pabellón Colombia Milan 2015 -Dibujo en Prismacolor-
manuelvillalar: Reforma Apartamento Ed Embajador (Arq. Guillermo Bermudez_1962) / Bogotá_2005
manuelvillalar: /Users/manuelvilla/Desktop/07_Secciones Proyecto_Feb 2014 M Villa.dwg
k masback: new years glitch
Studio-X Global Network: Infrastructural Archipelagoes
chriswoebken: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bay Model
sputnik 57: Pythagorean island in Greece
Studio-X Global Network: Reconnaissance Reconsidered
Studio-X Global Network: Reconnaissance Reconsidered
Storefront for Art and Architecture: NYC: Stamps as part of the launch of Pamphlet Architecture 33 #islands and atolls. Happening now.
Storefront for Art and Architecture: Definition Series: On Islands
Storefront for Art and Architecture: Definition Series: On Islands
antonas: view