pipedreams1: DSC_0071
flores do meu jardim✿((mostly off)): O amigo: um ser que a vida não explica...
Jens D'Haeseleer: Andrena fulva collecting pollen
henk.wallays: Lestes dryas - Tangpantserjuffer
Eddie The Bugman: Azure Damselfly head on
Cajaflez: A Wood Pidgeon in natural texture
Cajaflez: Anemone - Anemoon
Alanoud♡M.M: يا معلمي!!
Jaedde & Sis: Mmmmmoonie
Kurt Gritzan: Tobi 2010-01-24-215918-
Barly..: River Wear ..Durham City
harryja: Soft-Ice
nature55: Swallowtail
nature55: ~Snow Day~
nature55: The Snowman and the Chickadee
jm_villarroya: To the ligth
Jungleye: World Peace
Aspenbreeze: THE WINDS OF HEAVEN ...
Rezamink: Orange Tip (Anthocharis Cardamines)
Sad Old Biker: Snowy boat on Brighton beach - B&W
Tony Pratt DE Photographer: Royal Terns 7-12-2009
MD_MC: wireless
Carolinensis: Withered Mocis (Mocis marcida)
tonyadcockphotos: "[T]here are four ways of doing things: the right way, the wrong way, the Navy way, and my way. If they do things my way, we'll get along."
Candice Swarts: The Ruby of Nature...
Candice Swarts: A White-throated Gentleman