Lucretius: Twenty Second
Lucretius: exquisite pathetic
Lucretius: Forgotempre. [2/2]
Lucretius: Justestfreaks. [1/2]
Lucretius: clean naked
Lucretius: sometherein
Lucretius: repealagain
Lucretius: gone in the cause, dedication and ceremony
Lucretius: the people's republic of then unknown
Lucretius: eighty serious
Lucretius: don't have anymore studies
Lucretius: stand another
Lucretius: tinselbrains (talk/listen)
Lucretius: sketchbook redux
Lucretius: God Eugene The Arbiter
Lucretius: Real life would touch ribs.
Lucretius: you've got to be kidding me you with your axe in hand
Lucretius: all reverb variations
Lucretius: cuteyed fucking loser
Lucretius: not so irridiculous
Lucretius: your ideas may be shitty but you come by them honestly
Lucretius: erased and rewritten en infini
Lucretius: youbephoenix
Lucretius: what starts as an Orgy ends as five hours I can't get back
Lucretius: how does she know my left hand smells like semen
Lucretius: "Pragmatic Covert"
Lucretius: I really do live in a reduced russian narrative.
Lucretius: smoke another pack hand into fist
Lucretius: can't be distractionnnonononononono